Stay at Home Mom ?

This is the dilemma of the new-age woman. It symbolizes the struggle of the values and aspirations. It’s a dilemma that every mother faces, no matter how ambitious or content she might be. This is, also probably, the least discussed aspect of the new woman. To be or not to be a stay-at-home mother is a difficult question to answer for most woman.

The answer is as personal and specific, as general the question is!! More and more highly qualified woman, however, are opting out of the rat race in favor of staying at home. What lures these woman to give up years of hard work at school, college and work, high speed thrill of cut-throat competition and promotions and comfort and luxuries of an additional income ? And more importantly, once they do take the plunge, how do they find the ride?

The perks are aplenty. Watching the kids grow, step-by-step, word-by-word is a pleasure that nothing else in the world can compare. To be there when they are sick, when they take the first step, when they return from school bursting with excitement about 4 stars earned at the football game, or crying at the deep cut on knee , gives a satisfaction that no official presentation can match up to. While kids may or may not benefit more from an available parent, it is for sure that the parent does get a lot from being around.

Moving beyond kids and parenting, the time at home also gives an opportunity to you to hone your skills, to pursue your hobbies, to excel in your dreams, and to build a success uniquely yours. If you are planning to, or have already given up ‘work’ to be at home, consider it as the start of the best period of your life. For, a lot of optimism is indeed needed on a daily basis for the mundane routine ‘work’ at home.

But if you are considering this decision as a ‘sacrifice’ to your family , you are headed for an emotional roller-coaster! The stumbling blocks are aplenty. One can find a lot of woman, who gave up their flourishing careers at the fist meeting with motherhood, and now live frustrated day in and day out. This also shows at their parenting skills, for which they ironically left their jobs in the first place. Feeling of loss of identity, coming to terms with a single income and additional expense, increasing dependence on the husband are a few others.

If you feel you are stuck in a rut, I urge you to go out and explore the possibilities, The world is an open place. If you are an unhappy human being , there is no way you can raise happy children. Imagine the possibilities; and go after them! Part-Time or work-at-home options can be promising for woman who wants the best of both worlds. In a nutshell, If you have decided to be a stay-at-home mom to enjoy your kids and your life, and to better the quality of life of those around you, enjoy your decision. Enjoy it every single day. Make the most of the life. Generations of people have come and gone, busy figuring out the meaning of life, their purpose of the journey, busy being the most rich, famous, whatever. Eventually, the rat race leads you nowhere. The life leads you nowhere. Because, it is you, who lead the life. If you have the liberty of being free from the financial burden of providing for your family, then do explore the other options. For the solitary purpose of getting and giving happiness. And if this happiness comes to you by knowing that you don’t have to close the door on a wailing child everyday to reach work on time, then what’s wrong with it ?

The bottom line is: do it for yourself, not for your children. Kids grow up well, if whatever time parents give them is full of affection and attention.

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